Driver view - Booking assigned, changes or cancellations
Covered in this FAQ:
What happens when the driver is assigned to the booking?
- The driver will receive, via SMS, a link to the booking.
- From there, once they click on the link, they will be sent a unique code to enter to access the booking
- Once they enter the code, the booking will open on their mobile device. Then simply click, NEXT to open the booking.
How will they see the booking?
- Once the driver has access to the booking, it will be displayed as below. From here, the driver can see the booking reference, pickup time, trip details, passenger details and the Cab Provider details.
- Drivers will not be able to view any pricing associated with the booking.
What if there are changes to the booking?
- If there are any changes to the booking, the driver will be notified via SMS.
What if the booking is cancelled or assigned to a different driver?
- The driver is notified via SMS that the booking has been unassigned.